Unlike many other things in life, there is no guide or “rule” book when it comes to raising children, with a lot of parents having to simply learn as they go through trial and error. And with parenting being one of the — if not the — hardest job on the planet, it’s easy to see how a parent could become stressed at the thought of making a big mistake during at least 18 years of on the job training. After all, creating, take care of, and raising another human being to become a happy, healthy, and productive member of society is kind of a big deal, so it’s easy to see why parents feel so pressured in raising their child the “right” (cough, cough — socially accepted) way.
And one of the most important (and most heavily criticized) areas of parenting is education. Whether early education and development in regards to academics and scholastic matters takes place inside the home or out, education is integral part of a child’s present life and future. But for parents, choosing what they feel is the best preschool for their child can be both an exciting and overwhelming process due to the significance of early education importance. There’s likely to be a million and one questions running through the minds of parents at this time. Is kindercare the best option? Are private schools really better than public schools? Will my child be safe? Will they be happy? The list goes.
But to simplify matters, there’s only a few important questions that parents really need to ask. Here are some of the most important questions parents can ask prospective preschools in order to determine what best preschools are for their kids.
What educational philosophy does the school subscribe to?
As with any kind of formal education done outside the home, school is an extension of how you raise your children within the confines of your home. School can help to reinforce this and provide a sense of structure and stability. As such, the best preschools are ones that support or mimic your own parenting style. Generally speaking, discovery-based educational programs are typically more effective and supportive than ones focused on drill and discipline. And while structure is very important, the best preschools allow children to become active participants in their own education by empowering and encouraging them to make choices about their learning.
What is the educational background and professional experience level of the teachers and staff?
It should go without saying that parents should ensure their child’s preschool teacher is qualified and has the right combination of education and experience. At the very least, the best preschools all have teachers with a child development associate degree as part of their credentials and in many cases more than that. Don’t hesitate to ask further questions about their training and experience, especially in terms of childhood development. Furthermore, it’s imperative to ensure the classroom teacher and any other additional staff members are trained and certified in CPR.
What kinds of meals and snacks are provided?
This is especially important for parents of children with food allergies, sensitivities, or for families that eat specialized diets such as vegan, vegetarian, Kosher, or Halal. Is the school accommodating and understanding of these food choices? Do they provide nutritional and well balanced meals? Are they adequately prepared to handle a food allergy emergency? It’s also important inquire about any pre-meal routines, such as mandatory hand washing.
What is nap and play time like?
If there’s anything that toddlers need besides unconditional love and support, it’s nap and play time. Play helps toddlers develop fine motor and social skills, in addition to providing an excellent opportunity to burn off excess energy and become more physically fit. On the other hand, they also need ample periods of rest in order for their growing brains and bodies to develop properly. Does the school provide nap time materials such as floor mats and pillows? How long is nap time?
Ultimately, it’s important for parents to go with their gut in making a final decision.