It is difficult to argue with the value of continuing education. It is difficult, however, to find time to attend classes on college campuses that are far from your home, and in many cases it can be difficult to afford the move or the travel that it takes to enroll in a college. Fortunately, more and more colleges and universities offer convenient and affordable home learning opportunities.
From high school seniors who are looking for more of a challenge to managers who are trying to find a way to get an MBA, home learning opportunities are often the best advice. From increasing your chances at getting in and earning scholarships at a college for your undergraduate degree to taking extra classes so that you can get that next promotion at work, the decision to pursue online courses is often a worthwhile decision.
Are You Considering Going Back to College?
You are never too old to learn something new, and if you are in today’s work force you know that the decision to learn something new is the only way that you will get the next promotion that you are looking for or move on to be an administrator or an executive. Consider some of these statistics about the opportunities there are for learning at home and the reasons that so many people decide to take classes remotely, instead of being in a traditional classroom:
- Going to college and getting an undergraduate degree is not the road that everyone follows, but the fact of the matter is most people could earn more money and live a more comfortable life style if they took the time further their education.
- Entering into a technical school to learn a trade like welding can help people make themselves very marketable. Once you have this training, you can often use online home learning opportunities to increase your knowledge and your marketability.
- The latest research indicates that 46% of online students say their biggest motivation to enroll in a college course was to advance their current career.
- The brain processes visual information 60,000 faster than text, so online course that provide supporting videos may be able to help you learn more at a faster pace.
- In many situations, even traditional students may take an online class at one time or another. In fact, 32% of higher education students now take at least one online course.
- No manager or employer wants to hear that you are no longer interested in learning or bettering yourself, it is important to make sure that you are always looking for opportunities to improve yourself if you want to be an attractive hire.
- Giving the extra effort that it takes to complete an advanced degree or very specific technical training can help you find the job that you want. In fact, recent predictions indicate that more than 60% of jobs will require post-secondary education by the year 2020.
- A report from 2013 by the Babson Survey Research Group indicates that the number of students taking at least one online course had, at that time, surpassed 6 million.
- Having visual aids in the classroom can improve learning by as much as 400%.
- Estimates indicate that 65% of the population are visual learners.
- Are you ready to jumpstart your career? Are you ready to make sure that you are moving forward in your career, instead of being stuck in the same spot? If so, signing up for an online learning opportunity may be the best solution.
- Deciding to go back to school can help you reach the career goals that you have made for yourself.
Whether you are interested in taking an art history class for your own fulfillment or your employer is paying for you to complete an MBA program, a growing number of people are taking advantage of the convenience of online home learning opportunities. Today’s workers who are serious about GETTING AHEAD know that furthering their education is always a step in the right direction. Instead of being stuck in the same old job doing the same old thing year after year, many people want to do everything that they can to make sure that they are constantly learning, constantly trying to better themselves, constantly trying to make sure that they are challenged every day when they are at work.