Fingers. They can be used for many things. They can be used for taking a swipe at a peanut butter jar, getting the juicy morsel out, a nice bite of protein, and taking it into the digestive system. They can be used for opening objects, such as doors, jars of jelly, and other objects. They can be used for controlling objects, like driving a car.
But they can also be used for another activity that provides rest and relaxation. A way to reduce knots and ease stress. This isn’t just about sex. In truth, fingers can provide a great way to ease discomfort in a nonsexual setting. This article is about the ancient art of the massage.
A massage is an activity where one person, the masseuse, uses their hands and fingers on the body parts of another person. In a completely platonic way. The other person is laying on a bench (at least in massage parlors) and they are covered sometimes only by a towel. The masseuse massages certain parts of the body that have stress.
These areas are often the back and the shoulders, which some might say are common areas where people keep stress on their bodies. Another area is the neck area. This is true because people have a tendency to hunch over their computers at work, which leads to a great deal of neck strain.
The massage is an important tool to ease discomfort in a body. Someone who has a neck, leg, or torso injury might be more inclined to get a massage, as the masseuse can relieve the pain in those muscles. Sometimes a massage is continued with heating oils, which add an element of heat to the body, loosening up the muscles.
There are some statistics surrounding massages that are worth noting in this article. They are:
- According to a survey, an average of 19% of adult Americans received at least one massage between July 2015 and July 2016.
- 89% of consumers agree that massage can be effective in reducing pain.
- 87% of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness.
- 82% of massage therapists started practicing massage therapy as a second career.
- There are 325,000 to 375,000 massage therapists and massage school students in the United States.
- Today?s massage therapists earn an average wage of $46 an hour.
- Research estimates that massage therapy was a $12.1 billion industry in the U.S. in 2015.
Massage takes training to do, though some people possibly can do it without the formal certification. However, to work at a major massage parlor outlet, such as Massage Envy, it is likely that a person will need some kind of massage certification to do the job. This may be part of the requirements to do the massage.
Many people take on massage training as part of starting a second career. They may feel called to massage training because it offers them an extra income, or better yet enables them to practice something that they truly are passionate about.
Massaging has many practical purposes, including enabling someone to feel better physically. This is a major issue when people go to massages. While it is possible to receive a mental relaxation from the massages, as they are done in dimly lit rooms with candles and soothing music, the physical benefits can be significant.
There are many ways a person can train to become a masseuse. Perhaps one of the more popular ways is to take an in-person course or training at a local place where a licensed masseuse will teach all the students about the different parts of the body, different massage techniques, and more.
It is possible that some will take a continuing education course or CEU. There is a question that is important: Who is eligible for CEU courses? The answer is that everyone that has a certain amount of education is eligible. To answer the question “Who is eligible for CEU courses?” for a person, ask them about their education.
Answering the question, “Who is eligible for CEU courses?”, may require a certain amount of investigation into their level of education. The question “Who is eligible for CEU courses” is important. There are terms to know. They are What are CEUs, traditional CEU options, what is the NCBTMB and more.
There are others, including sports massage specialty and sports massage CEU.