Did you know that private school students usually have higher graduation rates? Furthermore, they are also accepted into college more often than their public school counterparts. When these students also receive an early childhood education in preschool, they are more likely to attain a higher degree of education.
Most preschools are for children that are 3 to 4 years of age. Some private preschools offer part-time classes for a few hours a day between 2 to 5 days a week. An added benefit is that daycare is available for the remaining hours.
There are many advantages to private preschools. Since these schools tend to have smaller campuses and enrollments, children receive more individualized attention from their teachers and staff than they would at a public school.
Private schools also are open to and encourage parental participation. Furthermore, it’s been shown that parents of private school students are more committed to their child’s educational process and want to ensure that they have a positive experience. Private school parents are also more inclined to engage in meaningful and proactive dialogue with their children’s school and teachers.
Since private preschools are dedicated to providing children with early education experiences, they will have the opportunity to learn skills that will prepare them to enter kindergarten. These include learning to identify letters, numbers, basic geometric shapes, and other important information.
Children also engage in fun activities that expand their creativity and imagination. This includes opportunities to develop their thinking and social skills:
- Singing and dancing
- Arts and crafts
- Indoor and outdoor games
- Free play
- Special projects
- Storytelling
It’s interesting to note that a recent study conducted with 14,162 kindergarten students found that those that attended preschool or a child care center with an academic curriculum had higher pre-reading and math scores. A separate ongoing federally-funded study has been tracking 1,364 children. Thus far, it has been determined that these students have improved language and memory skills.
Children’s social and emotional development is also tracked by some preschools. They use a system of key developmental indicators when observing their students. These include, but aren’t limited, to how the children interact with themselves and others, respond to lessons, and engage in physical activities.
When you’re researching preschools, it’s important to find a daycare near you. Not only will it be more convenient, it will also enable you to be involved in your child’s education. Once you find a daycare near you, you can ask questions about the curriculum, tuition costs, and other necessary information. You may also be interested to find out about summer camp activities when you find a daycare near you.