In this video, viewers are shown a review of the basic principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in order to help provide the viewer with a CPR refresher. The video begins with a person acting the part of a victim experiencing a cardiac event.
The victim says he doesn’t feel well, and his coworker goes over to help him.
When a Victim Needs CPR

The victim slumps slowly to the floor, and the coworker helps him to land without hitting his head. The rescuing coworker tries to arouse the victim by shaking him and shouting out his name, but the victim doesn’t respond. The rescuer opens the victim’s airway to check for breathing, and checks for a pulse, but the victim has neither pulse nor respirations, so the rescuer begins compressions. The rescuer also instructs another coworker to call “911” while asking a third person to bring the AED.
When You Use an AED

The video demonstrates the correct ratio of compressions to breaths: 30 compressions to two breaths. The next step is to use the AED, for which the proper procedure is demonstrated. None of the rescuers must touch the victim while the AED delivers a shock. When the AED successfully produces a heart rhythm, the victim is placed on his side to wait for the ambulance.