We have all heard that education is important in securing a bright future for ourselves and our families, and census data backs that anecdote up with actual data. US census data shows that those with college degrees make, on average, twice more than those individuals with only a high school diploma. Pursuing continuing education can further a career by adding new skills to a persons resume or help someone make a career change.
Adult learners and nontraditional students are a growing population on college campuses. Although it varies from one institution to another, nontraditional students are typically degree seekers who did not enroll in college directly after completing their secondary education. Many colleges offer part time and accelerated degree programs for learners earning their degree while working. Many adult learners are also looking to gain exposure to professional training that they have not received on the job. Some may take classes to complete continuing education requirements for renewal of professional licensure.
In Americas tough economy, the skills gained through attending continuing education schools lend to a greater level of expertise and can help a jobseeker stand out from the crowd. There are many schools for continuing education run by a local colleges. Membership to professional organizations can also offer opportunity for taking professional development courses. Taking classes run by a college may mean a person is eligible for financial aid, helping to ease the financial burden of taking those classes.
Continuing classes can also available through distance learning or online schools. Many universities offer adult and continuing education degrees or certificates designed to be taken completely online. There are many options on the internet for expanding educational horizons. There are sites that offer subscriptions to professionals allowing them to expand their knowledge base at their own pace by watching video tutorials and using training software.