Being a home energy auditor has the potential to be a very fulfilling position. Whether you are thinking about becoming one, or are on the search for a high-quality energy audit, knowing some details about the role is extremely beneficial.
In this video, we hear Cedar talking about her job as an energy specialist.
She goes into the homes of those who call for her services and she proceeds to offer an assessment of their home’s energy use. The customer schedules an appointment that generally lasts about 2 hours.
Cedar tells the customer what they could change about their home that would help them to use less energy. This means that they save both money and help the environment. Meeting these people and helping them achieve their home energy goals is Cedar’s favorite aspect of her position.
Some things that Cedar might suggest to a customer include increasing insulation, switching the types of lightbulbs they use, and more. Energy assessments take place in a variety of homes — from newer mansions that are already fairly energy-efficient to older homes built in the early 1900s that could use a lot of work in the environmental department.